
Historical Statistics

The following statistics — which provide historical data — are available in Microsoft Excel format (save files to computer before opening them).

Membership in the College

Geographic Distribution of Members

Individuals Appearing on the Public Register

Total Number of Members in Good Standing

Where Members are Employed (Based on Fee Payment Information)

Membership Demographics

Average Age of Members

Median Age of Female Members

Median Age of Male Members

Median Age of X Members

Applications for Membership

Number of Members Certified by Year

Total Number of Applicants Currently within the Registration Process (Active and Inactive)

Total Number of Applicants who met College Requirements but did not become Members

Total Number of Applications for Membership Denied

Total Number of Applications for Membership

Total Number of New Teacher Induction Program Completions Annually

Total Number of Registration Appeals Rendered-Received Annually

Total Number of Successful Applications for Membership

Teacher Education of College Members

Total Number of Members by Country of Initial Certification (excluding US and Canada)

Total Number of Members by Ontario Faculty of Education

Total Number of Members by Province of Initial Certification

Total Number of Members by US State of Initial Certification

Total Number of New Members by Country of Initial Certification Annually (excluding US and Canada)

Total Number of New Members by Ontario Faculty of Education Annually

Total Number of New Members by Province of Initial Certification Annually

Total Number of New Members by US State of Initial Certification Annually

Qualifications of College Members

Additional Basic Qualifications Held by Members - 2019

Additional Basic Qualifications Held by Members - 2018

Basic Qualification Division Level of New Members

Basic Qualification of All Members by Teaching Subject Annually (JI and IS)

Basic Qualification of New Members by Teaching Subject Annually (JI and IS)

Members with Principal Qualifications by Gender

Members with Supervisory Officer Qualification by Gender

Number of Submitted AQ Courses by Provider Accredited Annually

Technological Qualifications Held by Members

Total Number of Additional Qualifications Awarded Annually by Subject

Total Number of Additional Qualifications Awarded Annually

Total Number of Additional Qualifications Taken by Subject

Complaints, Investigation and Discipline Statistics

Concerns at Intake stage

Origin and Disposition of Complaints